SUaaVE 2021 Abstracts

Area 1 - Signal Processing

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 2

Acceptability and Acceptance of Connected Automated Vehicles: A Literature Review and Focus Groups


Jorick M. M. Post, Janna L. Veldstra and A. Berfu Ünal

Abstract: A lot of resources and manpower are being allocated to develop Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV). CAV are Automated Vehicles (AV) with vehicle connectivity abilities to further increase road safety and user convenience. For a successful implementation of CAV, the psychological factors that predict its acceptance have to be researched. The present paper provides a literature review of the individual differences and perceived characteristics that could influence CAV's acceptance. Additionally, we report the results of several focus groups that were held in 4 European countries to highlight additional factors not reported in the literature yet.

Paper Nr: 3

Towards Acceptance of Automated Driving Systems


Samantha Jamson, Konstantinos Risvas, Roi Naveiro, David Ríos Insua, Konstantinos Moustakas, Mikolaj Kruszewski, Aleksandra Rodak and Alessandro Barisone

Abstract: The acceptance of Automated Driving Systems is of key importance since it will determine whether they will actually be used. This presentation describes contributions in this broad area from the perspective of the Trustonomy project with a focus on ethical decision support, human machine interfaces and trust assessment, aimed at enhancing the experience of drivers and passengers in such vehicles.

Paper Nr: 5

Usability Assessment of a Smart Cognitive Assistant for Automated Driving


Antonella Toffetti, Elena Balocco, Laura Borgarello, Giovanni Turi, Daniela Bertolino and Benjamin Chateau

Abstract: The Automated Vehicles (AV) are becoming increasingly important in the industrial and mobility domains. The Human Machine Interface and Interaction are two of the main aspects in the AV design, and as such, the consideration of the user is critical to the design process. The European Project SUaaVE (SUpporting acceptance of automated Vehicle) acknowledges that human-centric design is necessary to help AV in becoming accepted and trusted by road users (drivers, passengers, pedestrians) when it is introduced into the market. In the first phase of the project, partners, collaborating on the HMI design, performed different tests. C.R.F. S.C.p.A. performed a user test, which had different objectives. In this paper, the objective of the usability evaluation of the SUaaVE first cognitive HMI prototype is described. The test was performed by showing users a video of automated driving in an AV using the first iteration of the HMI. The findings were then used during the subsequent redesign phase to improve upon the HMI, according to the Human-Centred Design process. This study allowed identifying advantages and limits of the methodology and of the HMI prototype and to identify and share redesign suggestions (for the following phase of the project) with partners.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 4

Emotion State Induction for the Optimization of Immersion and User Experience in Automated Vehicle Simulator


Javier Silva, Juan-Manuel Belda-Lois, Sofía Iranzo, Begoña Mateo, Víctor de Nalda-Tárrega, Nicolás Palomares, José Laparra-Hernández and José S. Solaz

Abstract: Users’ acceptance is one of the predominant barriers of connected and automated vehicles (CAVS), which should be addressed at the highest priority. Loss of control, perceived safety and therefore lack of trust are some of the main aspects that lead to scepticism about the adoption of this technology. Addressing this issue, the H2020 project SUaaVE seeks to enhance the acceptance of CAVS through understanding the passengers’ state and managing corrective actions in vehicle for enhancing trip experience. The research to understand passenger emotions is mainly based on experimental tests consisting in immersive experiences with subject’s participation in a simulated CAV, specifically adapted to SUaaVE research purposes. This paper present different strategies to obtain realistic simulations with high levels of immensity in these tests using a dynamic platform with the objective of studying the emotional reaction of the subjects in representative scenarios and events within the framework of CAVs.

Paper Nr: 6

Driver’s Emotions Detection with Automotive Systems in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)


B. Meza-García and N. Rodríguez-Ibáñez

Abstract: The aim of this work is to evaluate selected systems in order to assess the emotional state of drivers based on facial analysis and vital signs acquired from camera, galvanic skin response (GSR) and photo plethysmography (PPG). Facial analysis and biomedical variables like galvanic skin response, which is related to sympatho-vagal nervous system balance, provides direct information of the driver physiological state, instead of indirect indicia of the participant's behavior. Facial and GSR data used in this study were recorded by doing tests with subjects in different scenarios in order to evaluate selected commercial systems and their limitations in controlled and real driving conditions. Results demonstrate that the emotional state of the driver can be assessed by facial analysis in combination with GSR relative data.